Tuesday 14 September 2010

Shapeways Sampler Arrived!

     So my Shapeways sampler turned up in the mail today, only took a few days of transit time.  I've never ordered anything from them before so I was very excited to get a look at the finish on some of the materials.  The level of detail on the parts is really impressive and, aside from the "grey robust" material,  the level of striation from manufacturing is really quite minimal.  The stainless steel had much more heft and solidity to it than I expected, it really does come across like a cast piece.  Overall I'm very impressed with the quality and finish of the parts - I'm currently dreaming up things to have made. 

Stainless steel doesn't look that "bronzey" in real life, not a great photo.

Weirdly, my coloured sandstone piece is actually formed completely backwards!

Friday 10 September 2010

Griffin Woogie - Toddler iPhone Case

     So Griffin have released a new iPhone/iPod Touch "case" aimed at toddlers.  The Griffin Woogie.  Not only is it a funky looking bright green 6 legged plush case (they pretty much had me sold right there!), it also includes a powered speaker.
     I've actually got a first generation ipod touch which isn't much good for my son, due to the lack of speaker.  Coupling that with this case looks like a perfect solution.  iPod gets sound without having to worry about earphones, along with some pretty sturdy looking drop protection and a whole bunch of cute.  My orders in.
     The only obvious design flaw I'm spotting at the minute is that external jack for the iPod.  Why they didn't position the cord in the end of the pocket away from little fingers is an interesting question.   I'm also giving them the benefit of the doubt that the speaker will be removable and the Woogie washable - hopefully that's a flaw too obvious to miss!

UPDATE:  See my review.  (By the way, they missed that flaw!)

iPhone 4 Bumper

My free bumper arrived today, not bad timing given the original estimate was the end of September. The case though.... Well, it leaves a lot to be desired.

The fit is reasonable, but a little loose on the sides. The rubber component isn't very grippy at all, which some people might like but it's not what I was after. It makes it easy to slip into your pocket, but also off tables etc.

The biggest issue though is the opening around the dock connector. I'm not sure how many of you noticed that the connection cable which ships with the iPhone 4 is a little more svelte than every previous connector cable they've made? Including the AV connection cable? Yeah, none of those old cables connect properly when the iPhone is in its bumper case. Sheesh, what a PITA.

C'mon Speck, hurry up and make an iPhone 4 version of the ToughSkin.

Thursday 2 September 2010

Sugar doesn't relieve newborn's pain?

     It's a sad day for tiny babies everywhere.  My son was given sucrose just after he was born, it was amazing to see.  He looked like he was in heaven, and it was an immediate reaction.
     Now there's a study which indicates that the babies may still be feeling pain after they get the sucrose, and the facial reaction is just an expression.  I'm not sure I buy that - I'm not surprised that the pain signal doesn't go away, but the distraction of a first mouthful of sweet has to be a good thing.
     If you've seen the expression on a babies face when they get the sugar, you'd let them have it even if just a nice distraction rather than a true analgesic.

Source: The Age