Sunday 8 August 2010

Implantable Glowing Glucose Monitor

     A group of researchers from Tokyo University and the BEANS research group have come up with an implantable gel which can be made to glow in the presence of either high or low blood glucose levels.  This would be a wonderful thing for diabetics, allowing them to more easily monitor their blood sugar and adjust their diet/medication accordingly.
     It would also be a fantastic thing for people that just like body modification I think.  Though I couldn't help playing with it if I had one, overloading on sugar to see how much I could make it glow.  It'd probably cause me personally a lot more health problems.
     It seems like they've still got some issues to work out at the minute though, one of them being the bodies tendency to form a pocket of scar tissue around foreign objects - reducing the light output.
     Apparently "5-10 years" before they've got something to market.

Source: DigInfo via Engadget

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