Sunday 6 June 2010

6 Legged Rugby Robot!

     Ok, so the title is probably more than a little sensationalist but the idea is pretty cool.  Unfortunately details on the thing are kind of scarce, but Thales Aerospace have built a scrum simulating robot - see THIS link to Gaea Times for more details.  Anything which helps reduce injuries is a positive, no arguments from me there, but the details seem a little disappointing all the same.
     When I saw a snippet about it, I was thinking more along the lines of something like BigDog but specifically designed to tackle people.  (How neat would that be!)  Given the lack of pictures I can find of the Thales device though, I doubt it's that exciting.
     I was kind of hoping this would be the precursor to some robot vs. robot rugby.  Or even robot vs. drug pumped, genetically modified humans.  Either of those might get me watching more sport.

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