Sunday 20 June 2010

Infrared Photography

     I quite like this gallery of infrared images.  There's not a lot of information about them, but they seem to be mainly infrared with a gentle blending of normal colour information added back in post processing with photoshop.
     It's very easy to go wrong trying this sort of thing, and end up with some very... "striking" or "interesting" images which aren't actually pleasing to look at.  Whomever prepared these though has shown some nice restraint.
     Most digital cameras are able to capture infrared light to some extent - take a picture looking at the end of your TV remote with a button pressed.  Voila, infrared photo.  Typically cameras have some heavy duty IR filters though, as otherwise the photos you take won't look much like what we can actually perceive.  There's some ways around it - either by _heavily_ filtering the visible spectrum and only allowing the IR through, or modifying your camera to remove the IR filters.
     Search for infrared photography if you're interested, there's plenty of links on the web.

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