Tuesday 15 June 2010

New Mac Mini

     So it seems Apple have finally gotten around to refreshing the mac mini, case and all.  About time really.  Not that there's anything wrong with the original design - I've still got a G4 ticking away as a home "server", it's a great little form factor.  I suppose that Apple wanted all the WWDC coverage to focus on the iPhone, but I still find it amazing that they passed up the opportunity to release this a week earlier and grab some extra press.  I'm not sure if any other companies would be able to show that level of restraint.
     Making the new computer even smaller though has to be a good thing, providing that Apple haven't messed up the thermal footprint.  I've seen a few blog posts comparing it in size to the Apple TV.  Given that mini now has HDMI out it's a fair comparison to make, and surely a revised Apple TV with HDMI out can't be far away either.  It is small too, no doubt about it - I was comparing the dimensions to a Wii I've got nestled nicely beneath my TV and it'd make the Wii look bulky.  Having an integrated power supply is a massive improvement as well - again, providing Apple have the thermals worked out.
     However there's a definite downside to the new sizing - it's not just shorter as I originally thought from the images.  It's gotten wider.  Pffft.  No longer will the mac mini and Airport Extreme make a neat little hardware stack.
     If there was a new wireless standard floating around I'd be betting Apple had a revised router on the way as well, but there's not....  It seems a little clumsy and unlike Apple's usual attention to detail.  Yes, I know it's now the same size as the Apple TV, but how many people stacked a Mini & ATV together?  Though I suppose the argument can be made that the all plastic router has never looked like a fantastic match with the mostly metal Mini.
     Still it seems with the new form factor that Apple is giving a definite hint to Apple TV owners looking for an upgrade - this little box will do everything you asked for in an upgraded ATV.  Shame about the price.

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