Thursday 8 July 2010

Campaign Against Mandatory Internet Filtering

     Just a link to a campaign against the mandatory internet filter.  I don't necessarily think their add is that great, it's a little cheesy and a lot sensationalist but I do agree with the message that they're trying to get out.  You can allow  them some liberties for trying to make the message more catchy and more easily consumable by the average consumer.
     There's a couple of links on that webpage that are worth looking at, and they've put together a nice summary here.  Without wanting to sound too tinfoil hat, basically the filter will be ineffective at performing the task the government says they're implementing the filter for.  At the same time it will slow down general net access, while allowing the government to filter whatever they decide to - with absolutely no public transparency.
     If you're at all concerned about freedom of information, or even about not having your internet experience degraded, then this is definitely something that should concern you.

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