Monday 12 July 2010

Spotify Available For Linux

     Hit the link for more details, but it seems Spotify have released a Linux client.  I'm inordinately cheered by this, given that the service isn't technically available in Australia.
     It seems a little limited at the minute - online music only, premium (i.e. add free) version only.  But it's just a Beta, I think they'll iron those issues out.  That the good people at Spotify have even developed a Linux version is enough to make me take notice of them.
     I'm not the biggest "social" media convert, the main reason that I'm so interested in services like Spotify & is that I have trouble discovering new music and artists that I like.  I just don't get to listen to as much radio as I'd like anymore.  For me they definitely a lot of the niche that radio used to have carved out.
       Anything which helps to point me towards new music that I might not have heard, but might love, gets a big stamp of approval.
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