Wednesday 28 July 2010

Greens Want to Give Money For Nothing

     Interesting statement from Queensland's Greens candidate Larissa Waters:

"What we're saying is people should be paid for all of the energy they generate, irrespective of whether they then use some of it in their home,"

     I wonder if I can just tell them that I generated a massive amount of electricity, but managed to use it all?  Or that I generated it, but "lost" it on the way to the grid.  I mean the end result to everybody outside of my home is the same, I'm not giving them anything.  Does it matter if I didn't really generate anything?  Do I still get paid?
     I think I'm generally a fairly "green" leaning person, but things like this just annoy the heck out of me.  If you want to get serious about solar for Australia, fund some solar plants.  Solar updraft towers or one of those systems based on parabolic reflectors and a centralised heating location like the Andasol one both seem like a good idea to me.
     Centralising generation gives higher energy conversion efficiencies, cheaper installation cost per Joule, cheaper maintenance and easier load balancing.
     Having each individual home generate its own electricity means lower transmission losses & a greater sense of contributing, but that's about it.


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