Tuesday 20 July 2010

MasterChef Vs. Politicians - Foodies Win!

     I'm not sure if I should be laughing or blushing for our country over this.  It seems as though the televised debate for the upcoming election has been rescheduled to avoid the finals of MasterChef.  Are there really that many people that are deeply interested in both politics and MasterChef?
     I mean, at a maximum there'll only likely be around 20% of Australia watching Masterchef, and I'd guess about a third of that watching the election debate.  So it'll probably work out to be around 1 in 100 that's keen on watching both?  I thought we were a democracy, the majority of people aren't going to watch both shows.  Is it really worth the global humiliation that'll be heaped on us because of this due to those few people? :)
     (Ok, I'm definitely coming down on the laughing side over this.  I really do love Australia sometimes.)

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